Ronelle King
Sometimes it just takes a tweet to start a change. In 2016 Ronelle King a Bajan feminist activist boldly decided to share her own story of sexual assault on social media, calling for other women to share their stories with the #lifeinleggings. Leggings as an item of clothing seen to be revealing was used fight against the idea that a woman could dress or behave differently in order to not attract attackers.
King wanted women to speak out, “[I had been] silent about my own rape and sexual assaults by persons I trusted. It reached a breaking point. Why should I have to map out my route before leaving home to be able to lessen the amount of harassment I receive that day? Why should I have to pretend to give a man my number because I’m afraid that he might react violently if I decline to do so? I shouldn’t have to. I should be free to exist in my own country without fear of sexual violence.” (Nation News, 2017).
What started as a local online discussion of gender-based violence started a movement that saw women from countries across the Caribbean sharing their experiences of assault. The wide-scale attention drawn by the movement has led to the formation of a charity, “Life In Leggings: Caribbean Alliance Against Gender Based Violence” and UN Women partnership. In March, there are also to be 7 marches taking place in 7 Caribbean nations.
Ronelle King is based in Barbados.
Go to her facebook or Twitter to find out more about current projects.